Been A While

•February 14, 2010 • 1 Comment

Been a while since I last posted. I keep getting reminded by that little statistic thing, that doesn’t alleviate the sadness of the number of views I have per day. Which, by the way, is currently trawling through the infinite number of- zero. All in all I knew this would happen eventually, and I can’t be bothered ‘marketing’ myself. In the end all I want is a pretty good blog, which is aesthetically pleasing and is rich in aspects of my life regardless of how many people read or look at it. The underlying thing is, I’m happy with this.

Right, so I posted manically for the first couple of days of this blog’s birth and then stopped which I admit was my fault. I had no sudden urge to start blogging, and things kept cropping up. Coupled with my general laziness- this blog went into hibernation.

Until now. I will try to warm it up slowly, and post consistently rather than crazily. However, I will keep writing lots and lots of trite waffle, and not decrease my word length even at the expense of your eyes and such because frankly if I’m going to write anything, why not make it a lot? So if you don’t like this, or can’t be bothered. Shove it. I’m not writing this for you, but for me.

Exams fell from the sky and basically exploded into a ball of burning gas. The results, I’m not too happy with and I did mope around silently. Still not had the joy of telling my parents the results, and since report cards will be arriving soon, things can only get worse. I plan on running away from my problems; isolating and pushing myself from them for as long as possible. Here are two often used examples. Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Well, you see, there is no water in the glass. I drunk all the water, from all the glass’ and now can avoid such a nervous and perplexing question. Do you eat the vegetables first or last? Firstly, this is just such a random and obscure question that I had to stop in my tracks, feet suspended in mid-air, when someone asked me that. The look I gave to that person was the look of utter confusion. And whenever I ask other people the exact same question, their faces result in the same expression. Secondly, this question assumes the premise that vegetables are bad things which I disagree. I love most vegetables. They taste like nothing. However they do add more colour to the palette which I thoroughly approve of. My answer is simple and quite almost witty, I throw away the vegetables. Yes. I avoid things like the plague, but enough about my insecurities and weaknesses.

Other news… Trying to find voluntary service in a hospice. Not because I am Mother Theresa incarnate. Wait. She’s not dead yet. Oh well. I’m quite ashamed to admit that I’m not doing it for the reasons that Immanuel Kant would like me to. Although I’m sure once I start to work at whatever hospice or home (Marie Curie?) that I’ll grow to care and love the people. Personally right now, I need to find it to further my application. To university that is. Again, I could’ve minced my words and talked about my aspiration, and future. But lets be perfectly honest, that is the unadulterated and whole truth. Not moral- I know. But! Before you all cast the stone and judge me, I’d like to run a mile away and tell you that every other person is doing it also! Doesn’t make it right, but makes me feel slightly better. Yes, the system here is completely flawed and no I wouldn’t jump of a cliff if all my friends did that also. Don’t be ridiculous.

Writing wise I’ve practically failed! No I haven’t! My local writing group, made up of teenagers (Young Edinburgh Writers), has got the  chance to publish an anthology of poetry (and short stories) soon. I’m very happy with that, and all the possibilities of the title and cover has got me restless. My enthusiasm isn’t shared with some of the other members though, especially since half of them aren’t even there but still think they deserve to be in the book. About the seven or eight diehards, around three of them can’t write. Maybe that’s too harsh, they can write- just not very well. Again, put back your stones and hear me out. You see a very large obese person who plans to do the marathon and wants to get first place. Now, inside your hearts, you know it will never happen or the chances are very very slim (no pun intended). It’s the same principle here. Brushing up on my rejected story The Universe Is Singing (which you can read in this blog) for further submission. Critting some work, which will also help me.

Bad news is that I’ve failed Week One of The Bradbury Writing Challenge. Well not failed as such, since I managed to get a magnificent little plot bunny for a longer piece of continuous work from it (think Little Prince). Basically, in the end I didn’t choose Low Fantasy, and opted for Absurdist. Went to the library and borrowed some books, and in the end came up with a story-ish based on Dali called The Marble Beached Whale. I plan to post this much more in detail later on but all you need to know is that I didn’t finish the story… 😦

Getting late. Must finish Catch-22. It’s a beautiful book, but a little stagnant. I love the writing and the style and the individual prose, each chapter is like a little wonderful story but they’re so isolated from other chapters that there is nothing really there to pull it together. Not a real page-turner, hell even the dreaded Twilight books were more a page turner than Mr Heller’s masterpiece…. but saying that would be stupid. I love it. It’s just taken a very very long time to read. I’m about 2/3 into the book and have mostly forgot some of the minor characters, and plot but it’s still a fantastic book though.

EDIT: Yeah. This blog died, died like some pretty poetic ending. I’ll probably get back to it during Summer, but there will be no more blog posts for now. Pleas… don’t all cry at once.

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death

•February 6, 2010 • 1 Comment

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death by W.B. Yeats (1918)

*See poem on the side of blog*

One of the best poems ever written, by an extraordinary poet.


A poem most apt in this age of war that deals with the real hidden reason for going to fight. A decision to fight and to eventually die based on reasons that the government and general public scorn at. Not out of loyalty nor his duty but because he was simply- bored.

Of course it could just as easily be a woman? But I don’t think woman were allowed to fight at that time? Who cares, it’s a fantastic poem.

BWC: Week One:

•February 5, 2010 • 2 Comments

Bradbury Writing Challenge: Week One

*** Book Genre = Genre of Book I’m reading now***

*** Book Genre This Week = Satire Catch-22***

***Low Fantasy =***

***Absurdist =***

Week One: 5/2/10 – 12/2/10

Genres Picked:  Book Genre (Satire)/Low Fantasy/Absurdist

Thoughts: Right now, I feel like that picture up above. I’ve become set on an impossible task that I can not even dream of completing well at all. And to think I need to submit this also makes me shake to the bone. Unfortunately for me, all the genre’s that I picked out of the box are all slightly alien to me especially Satire. I have a week to write a story on those genres. The problem with Satire, is that I have no wit nor charm nor anything that I could possibly write well about. If I had to write on this, I’ll take snippets from Catch-22, and perhaps base the story on war? Or maybe, if I have time to think, on some kind of personal experience- like school. Alas this would need a lot of thought and planning to pull this of. Since I’ve given myself one week this doesn’t exactly bode well. So I’m staying away from Book Genre…

Absurdist on the completely other hand is interesting. I’ve certainly read absurdist fiction before. From Meta-morphosis to Alice in Wonderland but having a go at writing it seems neigh impossible. My first thoughts on this would be lots of possible stream of consciousness? And to have some sort of child, or delusional person in an improbable situation? Something a bit wacky and goofy. Again, I could quite possible do this just by rambling 2000 words or so. But I need to do it well, so although it might look like that I’ve just ripped up a dictionary into the story; each word needs to be placed precisely into it. Again, appealing but I’ve not had enough real contact with this genre to write well- I think.

Low fantasy is interesting. But nothing really comes to me. I admit, it is probably the *easier* one I could write on, the whole definition of low fantasy seems a bit mundane.

Low fantasy contrasts with the sub-genre of High fantasy. Low fantasy is characterised by being set in the real (“Primary”) world, or a rational and familiar fictional world, with the inclusion of magical elements. The opposite, high fantasy, is set in an alternative, entirely fictional (“Secondary”) world with its own, albeit internally-consistent, rules that separate it from the real world. Low fantasy can be described as non-rational events occurring in a rational setting. It is important to note that the use of the word “low” is not an indication of quality but of the relative level of “fantasy” contained within a particular work of fiction.

So, magic in a normal world? Isn’t that contemporary fantasy? I know there’s some overlap, but again this definition isn’t setting anything in gear… Let’s try another definition.

Low fantasy is a term that was originally coined to describe Comic fantasy. Since then, it has evolved into its own term, and is now used to describe fantasy literature that has a relatively low amount of magic and the supernatural. This meaning coexists together with the original meaning and occasionally causes confusion.

In the end though. I prefer the second meaning, where the use of magic is scarce. Even so, I’m still in a hole for any plot or characters… *I have a week?!* Ah well. But at this point, I think I’m going to go with low fantasy as I’ve never written a fantasy story before and it seems like the easy choice (obviously writing is difficult but compared with the other choices). If in my brainstorming session that nothing happens, I’ll throw it away for absurdist fiction.

Today will be brainstorming, and writing out the bare bones, plans etc… Over the weekend, I will write it out full. Spend perhaps two hours each day on it so I have a full draft. Then from the week onwards, I’ll revise and edit like I have no life (which I probably won’t by the end of this). But since this is my first week, I’ll see how things come along and then tweak if need be.

Exams (are over?)

•February 5, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Exams are over!


I am free!

I can now stop doing almost everything and relax for a couple hours. I can now stay late watching tv, instead of mindless revision. Life is good. All this normality and tranquillity will soon disappear  with the arrival of Model United Nations, and European Parliament, seminars, and university essay competitions. Not to mention my Writing Challenge (which I will post about sooner or later). Sigh, it’s going to be a long year ahead. But the problem about the year so far, is that whilst I’m trying to do new things and physically pursue writing- it gets busier and busier. To the point that I’m so flummoxed trying to chase organizations and links that I have no time for school.

Now, lets be honest. School is important, whether we keep saying that or not. From old aged adults to babies, they will all concur that school IS important. I know lots of people say that it isn’t and life doesn’t revolve around school.

I’m sorry to say this but for the majority of people, school is seriously and deadly crucial.

Nevertheless for different people, school has varying sizes of importance. You might be rich already, and a job guaranteed by your family or the likes. In that case, school might not be as crucial to define your life since most of it has already been made for you. On the other side of the coin, you come from a family of rich doctors. Pressure is a big thing in society now. Even more so in schools. The pressure to succeed, to live up to other people’s expectations, to live up to your own expectations… It’s around us whether we cave in or fight it. I’m not saying peer and parental pressure is a good thing nor necessarily bad thing (personally, a little bit of pressure is the only way to make me work). But that pressure can make you do stupid things. Back to the point, if you have low life expectations then doing well in school might be the least of your worries. Of course, this is one big generalization and salt should taken (a massive slab in this case, the one’s that cows lick).

As much as I would like to say, “Yeah, these prelims don’t matter at all!”, I would be woefully wrong… Because life a series of big exams. Pre-School, cycling tests, high school, tests, university application, university tests, driving test, jobs- and the list goes on. We can never be truly free from “school” and “exams”. For a lot of people, the school days shape the rest of their life. And hopefully no one will disagree with me on that one. Not only physical tests but mental as well. Friendship is a test. Relationships are *probably* are a long complicated series of tests. Not to mention life itself, testing us how to keep on surviving? Where would our lives be without tests. We’d all be the same practically, without any means of making us different from everyone else. Yes we have the communists, and all the people shouting and screaming “equality” and “destroy testing!”, but it would just be silly. We can’t all be equal. The very notion of equality depends on the fact that people are not equal. Would it really increase our happiness if everything was equal? Would you be happy to know that your salary as a doctor is being shared equally with people that don’t lift a finger? Of course not! We would then shout that it’s not fair. Ironic don’t you think. And even if the 1st world and the 3rd world are all put together, until there is only 1 true real world; tests and means of differentiation will still occur. It would just be more finite and pretentious on a smaller scale, but it would still be there. It seems I’ve meandered *horribly* from the point of tests.

Tests are important. Crucial. For me especially, an aspiring doctor and writer, school builds the foundation from where I would like my life to lead onto. I’ve seen lots of unhappy people in jobs and lives they hate. And sometimes, on the bus, I sit and wonder quietly whether they chose this life? Whether at school, whilst they laughed and scoffed at the idea of tests and grades; whether they could see themselves in the future. And more importantly, whether if they had the chance- would they go back and work better at school?

My opinion is of a biased one. An opinion brought up in a family that wants me to do well, and moulded by the private school that I go to (but I assure you, I am no rich man). I understand that many people who don’t do well in school do well in life and vice versa. Surely that must be of a relatively small percentage? Although I do think, at the time, that exams are the bane of my life and I would love nothing more than run away- free of exams and school. Even if I did run away this instant and in twenty or so years my life had moved on. There would be a part of me that would always wonder, till the day I died, what I would turn out if I had stayed and worked hard in school all along. Perhaps in another world, I would have enough courage to run away just like that and be able to break free of the pre-set tracks of life into plains but alas- not in this life. So for now I must study as best I can, and leave the running away for dreams and mere fancies.

Although exams are over for a small period of time. I will never be free of it forever but I can resign myself to the fact that specific exams are temporary whilst chasing dreams and ambitions remains with you forever.

Prelims are finished.

Lucky for me, I even got back my English mark today. I thought I would fail English right from the start. Everyone has an innate feeling to get the best results they can, and this feeling is dulled by experience of failing or otherwise. Critical essay we had to write. Two in fact, one on drama (Henrik Ibsen: The Masterbuilder) and one on poetry (John Keats: An Ode to Autumn). I sorely recommend any of those pieces to any and everyone. Back to the English, the maximum marks given is 25. But the marking is odd, in that the possible marks are only given in odd numbers. I’ve improved from the start of the term up to now, and I’m proud of it. Slowly increasing (some fluctuations do occur) from a 15 to a 21, 21 being my highest mark. Although 15 is a perfectly acceptable mark, and even though I know it goes up in two- the phrase “15/25” just doesn’t seem right… “21/25” is practically the same, and feels much better. Hoping to break the twenty barrier for these exams, but I got two 19’s. Again, I’m happy with those as can be. Overall this means an A grade. Which made me ecstatic. Then I found out I got a Band 1 (which is basically the top banding system, so the A grade is split into Band One and Band Two). This made me turn into a form of yellow jelly to which I’ve still not really recovered. Now to bite my nails in wait for the rest of my exam results. Dreading the eventual return of Maths.

One last thing that I’ve noticed. The calendar doesn’t exactly show you the date, but when you’ve posted. Which I find a bit odd and defeating of the purpose of a calendar. Although saying that, if you have internet connection it’s not exactly difficult to find the date but still. Bugs me……

Short Story (Rejected): The Universe Is Singing

•February 4, 2010 • 1 Comment

My first writing post! Hurray! Finally you people shout! The (future) writer has written something!

Funny isn’t it how the one story that I worked on for such a long time, changing and editing ten times at least- got rejected? I was hurt. My first proper story, with my first rejection. Still stinging now I guess. Was rejected only a week ago or so, and so I’ve taken a break from writing and submitting right now. So like I said, it isn’t really any good.

I also have no idea who is going to read this? Doesn’t seem like I have anyone watching my blog right now, but it is early. Frankly I just like posting stuff as it makes the blog more fuller. And since it’s primarily a writing blog, I guess there should be writing on it. Which, now, there is!

Copyright bores me. And since I don’t have any real plans to submit this in the future that springs to mind, I shall just post this here and give away freely my first rights. In the event that I am going to resubmit it, then I’ll need to take this all off which would be sad for readers (non-existent right now *whistles*) but oh well.

Be warned. Oh wait, before I warn you. It’s a Soft Science Fiction story, roughly 4000 words entitled The Universe Is Singing. 4000 words is long by any standards; super long for blog posts, but not that long for short stories. Of course, I don’t expect anyone to read all of it. But that doesn’t matter, cause I might just add a little taster from it onto this post to just showcase a tiny titbit of my writing. If you like, feel free to plunge right in. But please try not to die cause I don’t want to be sued…



“The world. It’s finally quiet here?”


“Odd isn’t it?”

“Not really. Nothing here to make a sound.”

“It’s cause we’re so high up.”


“You have a problem with the quiet? Or the height?”

“Unnerving. Like the cold. Faster we get back down, the better I’ll feel.”

“No problem.”

“No. Not one of our problems.”

“Come now. Don’t sigh. Speaking of problems, you heard the latest report on the radio? It’s nearly time for us to hear the song.”

“Wait. What song?”

“The song mentioned in the radio. Did you even listen to your radio?”

“Nah. No time.

“Honestly, it would only take a couple seconds–”

“Then what’s the point on me listening to it.”

“Look Sam, you gotta make time. Listen.”

“I know. I know. But between working from the Labs and here I’m skint on time.”



“Just listen…”

“Listen to what. What the bloody hell you on?”

“You didn’t hear–on the radio?”

“Nah, I said, no time.”

“You need money? Just say the word–”

“Money? Yeah I do need money, but why?”

“Isn’t it obvious. You’re an idiot.”

“Hang on there. Wait–”

“Go buy yourself some time Sam…”

“Like hell I will Joe! Anyway, that storm. Wiped out all my credit a long time ago.”

“Eulasion Storm? Or the Pangean one?”

“I can’t remember. Neither actually. It was on Terrip, where it happened. I think. Lemme remember the day.”

“Take your time…”

“It was dark, beautifully dark at first. The suns wouldn’t rise till about a couple hours yet. And the mornings were cold. Colder than now. The frosty chilled air from the North. You ever been to Terrip?”


“What! What’d I say now!”

“We were there together. Blimey Sam, musta been a couple years ago?”

“Just a couple. Things changed a lot since you left. Anyhow Terrip Port. I was there when it happened, smoking one of those new healthy fags on the docks. Actually it was nearing Christmas.”

If you like it and want to read more then click on the link below.


Procrastination Slash “Who is reading this?”

•February 4, 2010 • Leave a Comment

My last exam is tomorrow. And frankly, it should be fine, obviously ‘should’ will probably enrage some deity above me and he/she/it will probably smite me and then call it poetic irony. Which would be funny for a little bit and then I’d start to cry.

I’m free tomorrow. As free as I could be, which means speed writing and speed reading and most things that need done at a quicker velocity (by the way, speed and velocity are two different things. Thank you physics (I failed that also)). After the joy of Prelims (preliminary examinations) there are the oh so wonderful NABS and the oh so blissful essay’s and the oh so fantastic revising for the actual exams.

I understand that this post will be a bit of a rant, and yes- I do sound like some whiny brat but I’m entitled to whine and moan for my second post as much as I need to. But I promise there will be some kind of poetic and philosophical stuff later on as time moves in a linear process. A thought just occurred to me. Who am I speaking to? Really. Who are you? Because I have no idea who I’m writing this for, I am no marketing guru nor shameless advertiser. Well- not yet anyway. The root of the problem is this, “How do I know if anyone is reading this?“. The answer to this is almost just as simple, “I have no clue.” or it’s going to be the sad fact that no-one is reading my blog. If  no-one is reading my blog, why am I writing it? Well then, I’d have to hope that by some stroke of luck people will perchance upon my blog and read it.  Or that lots of people are reading it, but they are just very very shy and choose not to comment.

*Trying not to look at that statistic table for the number of visits*

Nevertheless, there was one chap who did find my blog yesterday. And I don’t think I know him… If I do somehow, then I apologise, people escape me. Yet the heart of the matter is simple, blogs are meant to be read. It’s all nice and well writing to yourself and generally waffling so to speak and for the first number of posts I might just do that. Indeed, one of the function of this blog is to almost catalogue my thoughts just for myself. That would be good and a clean idea which would appease me- briefly. The nagging point is that, in the end, I do want someone else to read this and I’m going to need to come up with a way of letting people read this. Which is annoying. Sigh. This blog feels so empty and alone… Which is half the reason why I needed to write a new post. To accompany and befriend my first post.

This post seems much too long for an average blog. I could go on but no doubt you would get bored (second person again. Who am I talking to?). So I shall stop now. Not that much procrastination, I admit but by writing this I’ve demonstrated what a procrastinator I am. In the mean while, I shall play on Miniclip (most addictive game ever: and till next time. Ciao. 🙂

Hello world! (Not automated) I actually am shouting “Hello World!”

•February 3, 2010 • 2 Comments

Why thank you WordPress for giving me such a nice comment, to make me feel that I’m loved.

Although I must admit, this whole thing is just a little bit confusing for me. But hopefully I’ll get the hang of this soon and soon post more useful posts than mindless waffle, which I’m spouting just now.

I’m actually at a loss at what to say, that will entice you to read more and more. And looking to my right, I’ve just realized I need to add tags? God. I hate tags. They annoy me so much, on every single bloody website. Tag this, tag that. No. Anyway, that was my small rant over and this is probably me saying goodbye to my first post.

I’m a writer. A pretty crap one at that, but don’t tell anyone. No one bar us needs to know.

*Now, how do I change this annoying font…*

Goodbye 🙂